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1***READ*** Empty ***READ*** Tue May 29, 2012 3:13 am


Ok, So I have been working about all day on codes. And after that I wanted to get on Xbox so I jumped in with AnnaMossity and the crew. She stated that she had a lot of messages about joining the clan and so forth. As well as cldtomhill (chris) so right there and then it clicked.

What you may ask?

Well what if there was a direct link here for an application. Well after saying that it is finally done. It is the only thing a guest can see, and all basic information is in it that we would need. I still need to make a few adjustments but so far A Okay!

Also I am going to go on a rant. So please read thoroughly for this pertains all Clan Members and so forth.

This forum was created by myself, all coding and hard work into this site, dedication and long nights. I even have missed time playing MW3 to make sure this website was correct. Checking to see what was wrong with some of your accounts not being able to sign in. Adding functionality and purpose when someone has had suggested something.

I am always right on the problems, I thrive myself on this site being perfect. Yet you all pass it by like it is nothing. Yes I do understand that you guys can not be on here 24/7 it is AcidHalos and my job to keep it up to date. Yet like I've stated in other post that your involvement is key to keeping this site up and running. AcidHalo did not pay for this site to be looked passed, it is our door to many new things.

I have also made it alot easier on you all, I made a calender, posted dates for the Clan Ops (well AcidHalo and I) We also have made it awarding by gaining top six in the ops.

Now set aside, I also have worked plenty of hours on the graphics and so forth on this site. The color coding, the new organized template for you all!!! We are doing a lot more in dedications such as merchandise and sponsorships. ALOT.

The competitions are not just for fun people, they are for training and should be mandatory for all members. I have seen a HUGE lack of participation in the actual Clan Ops, members thriving from our accomplishments without actually lifting a finger. It has irked me quite a bit, and yes I know I am not the Leader. This is my insight of what I see.

Tonight at Competition no one had shown up really, Yes I was eighteen minutes late, though this is because I was stuck in a code and lost track of time. It disgusted me and ruined my entire night. I may have snapped at those of whom I was in a party with. I apologize for that.

So it gets me to my next rant, HUGE LACK OF COMMUNICATION!!! We need to treat almost every game as a real game. Communication is key, not running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Also we have 5+ classes to choose from correct? Well if there is a sniper killing all of us, someone change their class to a anti sniper! When someone states that they have been shot countless times by an indirect camper, people work as a team to raid that camper out of his spot!

I have, like I've stated before, put countless hours for you all into this site, setting up training and blah blah blah. For YOU my friends, you are all like my secondary family. So I decided to help and create this forum, and AcidHalo and I have spent countless times talking about new improvements for you all!

Please people, stop looking over this site. Keep it as a place holder. If I see a repetitive lack of interest, and believe me I can see who's been on in "x" amount of days, I will be shutting down all prospects of this website. Sending AcidHalo a refund and that will be it.

I do not mean to be so crude or too straight forward but enough is enough and this needs to be fixed!

Thanks for your time


2***READ*** Empty Re: ***READ*** Tue May 29, 2012 10:10 pm


Well, really thanks for your time KandiMan. And Acid's. The way I look at it is that when you've done something right, people won't know you've done anything at all. Only when you mess up do you get recognized!!! As you may know there are some people who appreciate what you guys have done, and I/we KNOW how ri-damn-diculous code can be.

But besides that, communication is very essential. I whole heartedly agree that thinking more like a unit would solve some problems. Even knowing your maps. And maybe I'm too much of a super nerd, but I run maps in private match to figure out good spots, and hopefully with someone cause I love masturbating so much. Some of us don't even know the new maps at all! Not their fault for finding quicker matches, but there is always a solution. We should ask each other stuff, and be able to take constructive criticism, I know we have before. Let's keep that up whoever is doing it and keep it strong for future participating members as an influence.

I hope to keep using this website for the future battles to come!


3***READ*** Empty Re: ***READ*** Wed May 30, 2012 1:59 pm


I appreciate everything you all have done so far. It feels good being a part of something like this and putting my part into it. I.E. the drawing. LOL

4***READ*** Empty Re: ***READ*** Thu May 31, 2012 4:25 am


I'm just glad to have you guys here. Thank you all.


5***READ*** Empty Re: ***READ*** Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:20 pm


I was there on time. No one can make all the opsl. You have done wonders with the site and it is appreciated.

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